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Summer Term

Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creative and Critical Thinking

These characteristics are encouraged, developed and supported to enable children to make progress in all areas of learning and development.

Communication & Language

Encourage the children to listen and follow simple instructions appropriate for a 2 year old.
Sing familiar songs and rhymes.
Using a song bag with puppets to encourage new songs to be introduced.
Small groups Lift Off to Language sessions.
Begin to talk about their feelings and show them emotions cards to enable them to express how they feel.

Expressive Arts & Design

Opportunities to make a mark with a range of different mediums, giving them new experiences.
Join in with singing songs and rhymes.
Small world to extend their imaginative skills.
Variety of role play opportunities based on first hand experiences.


Draw the children's attention to the importance of books in the setting both inside and out, model how to handle them.
Interactive books, story sacks and children's choices on a daily basis, either 1-1 or within small groups.


Encourage the children with opportunities to support their counting through activities and number rhymes.
Introduce size language into their play.
Learning shapes and patterns, giving them a variety of puzzles to extend their development and problem solving.
Tipping and pouring activities.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Warm welcome, learning the routine and boundaries.
Ensuring all children are supported with the settling process.
Supporting the children with social interactions, sharing and friendships.
Support the children with hand washing and toileting or nappy changes.
Promote the importance of eating well and healthy food choices, and touch on sun safety.
Encourage the children to be independent in handwashing and putting on their coat using the flip over the head.

Physical Development

Outdoor play available in all weathers, including the large garden with balancing and climbing equipment.
Opportunities for nature walks on the school field and using the outside classrooms.
The bikes and scooters are available on the tarmac road playground.
Encourage the children to be independent in handwashing and putting on their coat using the flip over the head.
Opportunities for large physical movement outside moving in a range of different ways.
Movement and yoga sessions indoors.
Sun safety and appropriate clothing for the warmer weather.

Understanding the World

Learning about people who help us in the community.
Encourage children to talk about experiences, especially holiday time with their families.
From the children's needs and interests we always make adaptations to the planning to extend their own knowledge and learning.